File Upload
12 April, 2020
DVWA File upload 过关秘籍.
if( isset( $_POST[ 'Upload' ] ) ) {
// Where are we going to be writing to?
$target_path = DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . "hackable/uploads/";
$target_path .= basename( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ] );
// Can we move the file to the upload folder?
// 完全没做过滤.
// 上传一个PHP文件也是可以的.
if( !move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $target_path ) ) {
// No
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded.</pre>';
else {
// Yes!
echo "<pre>{$target_path} succesfully uploaded!</pre>";
if( isset( $_POST[ 'Upload' ] ) ) {
// Where are we going to be writing to?
$target_path = DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . "hackable/uploads/";
$target_path .= basename( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ] );
// File information
$uploaded_name = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ];
$uploaded_type = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'type' ];
$uploaded_size = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'size' ];
// Is it an image?
// // 开始做了一些过滤
// 下面是官方对$_FILES 函数的描述
// [name] => MyFile.txt (comes from the browser, so treat as tainted)
// [type] => text/plain (not sure where it gets this from - assume the browser, so treat as tainted)
// [tmp_name] => /tmp/php/php1h4j1o (could be anywhere on your system, depending on your config settings, but the user has no control, so this isn't tainted)
// [error] => UPLOAD_ERR_OK (= 0)
// [size] => 123 (the size in bytes)
// 其中对name和type的description的描述都是 `treat as tainted`(被污染的)
// 这意味着它有可能会被修改 unsafe
// 我们可以尝试上传一个PHP文件,使用一些拦截请求工具,修改即将发出的请求.
// 来达到修改`name`中的后缀名和`type`中的媒体类型.
if( ( $uploaded_type == "image/jpeg" || $uploaded_type == "image/png" ) &&
( $uploaded_size < 100000 ) ) {
// Can we move the file to the upload folder?
if( !move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $target_path ) ) {
// No
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded.</pre>';
else {
// Yes!
echo "<pre>{$target_path} succesfully uploaded!</pre>";
else {
// Invalid file
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded. We can only accept JPEG or PNG images.</pre>';
if( isset( $_POST[ 'Upload' ] ) ) {
// Where are we going to be writing to?
$target_path = DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . "hackable/uploads/";
$target_path .= basename( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ] );
// File information
$uploaded_name = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ];
// jpg
$uploaded_ext = substr( $uploaded_name, strrpos( $uploaded_name, '.' ) + 1);
// file size
$uploaded_size = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'size' ];
// tmp_name 是临时副本的名字
$uploaded_tmp = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
// Is it an image?
// 和上面的比起来多个一个文件后缀名的判断.
// strtolower 转小写
// 扩展名只要满足jpeg,png或者jpg就行
if( ( strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "jpg" || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "jpeg" || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "png" ) &&
( $uploaded_size < 100000 ) &&
// getimagesize 获取图像信息
// 这个函数保证你穿的一定得是个图像
// 可以用图片木马绕过
getimagesize( $uploaded_tmp ) ) {
// Can we move the file to the upload folder?
if( !move_uploaded_file( $uploaded_tmp, $target_path ) ) {
// No
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded.</pre>';
else {
// Yes!
echo "<pre>{$target_path} succesfully uploaded!</pre>";
else {
// Invalid file
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded. We can only accept JPEG or PNG images.</pre>';
if( isset( $_POST[ 'Upload' ] ) ) {
// Where are we going to be writing to?
$target_path = DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . "hackable/uploads/";
$target_path .= basename( $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ] );
// File information
$uploaded_name = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ];
$uploaded_ext = substr( $uploaded_name, strrpos( $uploaded_name, '.' ) + 1);
$uploaded_size = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'size' ];
$uploaded_tmp = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
// Is it an image?
// 对比上面多验证了文件的后缀名
if( ( strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "jpg" || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "jpeg" || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == "png" ) &&
( $uploaded_size < 100000 ) &&
// 函数会通过读取文件头,返回图片的长、宽等信息,如果没有相关的图片文件头,函数会报错
getimagesize( $uploaded_tmp ) ) {
// 可以看到,High级别的代码读取文件名中最后一个”.”后的字符串,期望通过文件名来限制文件类型
// 因此要求上传文件名形式必须是”*.jpg”、”*.jpeg” 、”*.png”之一
// 同时,getimagesize函数更是限制了上传文件的文件头必须为图像类型
// Can we move the file to the upload folder?
if( !move_uploaded_file( $uploaded_tmp, $target_path ) ) {
// No
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded.</pre>';
else {
// Yes!
echo "<pre>{$target_path} succesfully uploaded!</pre>";
else {
// Invalid file
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded. We can only accept JPEG or PNG images.</pre>';
if( isset( $_POST[ 'Upload' ] ) ) {
// Check Anti-CSRF token
checkToken( $_REQUEST[ 'user_token' ], $_SESSION[ 'session_token' ], 'index.php' );
// File information
$uploaded_name = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'name' ];
$uploaded_ext = substr( $uploaded_name, strrpos( $uploaded_name, '.' ) + 1);
$uploaded_size = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'size' ];
$uploaded_type = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'type' ];
$uploaded_tmp = $_FILES[ 'uploaded' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
// Where are we going to be writing to?
$target_path = DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . 'hackable/uploads/';
//$target_file = basename( $uploaded_name, '.' . $uploaded_ext ) . '-';
// MD5 加密
$target_file = md5( uniqid() . $uploaded_name ) . '.' . $uploaded_ext;
$temp_file = ( ( ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ) == '' ) ? ( sys_get_temp_dir() ) : ( ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ) ) );
$temp_file .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5( uniqid() . $uploaded_name ) . '.' . $uploaded_ext;
// Is it an image?
if( ( strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == 'jpg' || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == 'jpeg' || strtolower( $uploaded_ext ) == 'png' ) &&
( $uploaded_size < 100000 ) &&
( $uploaded_type == 'image/jpeg' || $uploaded_type == 'image/png' ) &&
getimagesize( $uploaded_tmp ) ) {
// Strip any metadata, by re-encoding image (Note, using php-Imagick is recommended over php-GD)
if( $uploaded_type == 'image/jpeg' ) {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg( $uploaded_tmp );
imagejpeg( $img, $temp_file, 100);
else {
$img = imagecreatefrompng( $uploaded_tmp );
imagepng( $img, $temp_file, 9);
imagedestroy( $img );
// Can we move the file to the web root from the temp folder?
if( rename( $temp_file, ( getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $target_path . $target_file ) ) ) {
// Yes!
echo "<pre><a href='${target_path}${target_file}'>${target_file}</a> succesfully uploaded!</pre>";
else {
// No
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded.</pre>';
// Delete any temp files
if( file_exists( $temp_file ) )
unlink( $temp_file );
else {
// Invalid file
echo '<pre>Your image was not uploaded. We can only accept JPEG or PNG images.</pre>';
// Generate Anti-CSRF token
$is_upload = false;
$msg = null;
// 白名单
$ext_arr = array('jpg','png','gif');
$file_ext = substr($_FILES['upload_file']['name'],strrpos($_FILES['upload_file']['name'],".")+1);
$temp_file = $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'];
// 注意这个位置
// 最后拼接的储存路径,是由用户提交上的数据来做为路径
$img_path = $_POST['save_path']."/".rand(10, 99).date("YmdHis").".".$file_ext;
$is_upload = true;
} else {
$msg = "上传失败";
} else {
$msg = "只允许上传.jpg|.png|.gif类型文件!";
在url中%00表示ascll码中的0 ,而ascii中0作为特殊字符保留,表示字符串结束,所以当url中出现%00时就会认为读取已结束 (php版本要小于5.3.4,5.3.4及以上已经修复该问题)